The Living Inspiration Tribe

Transform Your Body, Mind, and Soul


Raise Your Vibration and Age Beautifully


Imagine the life you want to live – envision what that looks like for you.  Feel good in your body, have consistent energy, and create the life you desire to age beautifully.  Through mindset shift, habit evolution, spiritual connection, and the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda you can create what you dream.


Implement and take action.  Set your intention, and cultivate the life you imagine by implementing simple habits for healthier living.

What is it costing you in your body to keep the same routines and habits?  Evolve into the next version of you through self-love and self-care.


Live and be the habits.  As you take action and evolve with the support of a dynamic community, you will find you are living a life of integrity.  You will tap into you dharma (your unique purpose and path), become an inspiration for others, and align with your deeper intentions.

It's Time to Take Charge of Your Health


Do you struggle with . . . ?

  • Life Balance

  • Inconsistent energy

  • Excess weight

  • Burnout

  • Disconnect from your body

  • Chronic stress

  • Inflammation in the body

  • Negative self-talk

  • Anxiety/Depression

  • Poor sleep

  • Body pain and fatigue

  • Making lasting changes

Do you want to start experiencing . . .?

  • Living ease-fully with balance

  • Aging gracefully

  • Feeling good in your body

  • Weight loss

  • Improved energy

  • Less stress and anxiety

  • Self-care and self-love

  • Deep sleep

  • Reduced inflammation

  • Habit automation

  • Deeper connection to Self

  • Living a high vibing life of inspiration


A journey with like-minded women to support your Spiritual lifestyle and health transformation with ease and results.

Change your habits and live the life you desire.  Increase your energy, sleep deeply, optimize your weight, nourish yourself, and reconnect to your body through habit evolution and the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda – all through the approach of self-care and self-love.

The Living Inspiration Tribe provides you with support and accountability, with a dynamic group of women.

Makeover your life from the inside-out with simple habit shifts.  Experience total mind-body wellness.

 Your Journey Starts Here

Your 10-month journey to better health starts with your self-care.

Your journey includes:

  • Learning lifestyle habits to help you thrive.  Founded on the wisdom of yoga and Ayurveda, each week will build on the last, helping you to automate habits in your daily life for more self-care and with ease.

  • Weekly live meetings (via Zoom) with a dynamic group of like-minded women. Receive support and accountability on weekly calls with Melinda and the support of the tribe.  Evolve with a group of like-minded people who will uplift and support you in your journey.

  • Resource Hub access. Videos and weekly emails coaching you on the habits.

  • Body Thrive book (by Cate Stillman) and support materials

  • Access to the LIT Forum – in this group you will evolve, support, and help each other to learn and automate the habits.

  • Yoga Video Library Access. Practice yoga with Melinda at any time.

  • In-Person Meet-ups and workshops. Optional events and workshops will be offered throughout the year.

Meet Your Guide Melinda

Are you ready for a new, holistic approach to your health and wellbeing?

I lead women over 40 who are ready to make a change – to prioritize themselves – AND to improve their mind-body-spiritual health through self-care practices founded in energy healing and the ancient wisdom of yoga and Ayurveda.

This is all with the support of a dynamic group of amazing women. Dynamic groups help you achieve the results you want faster, deeper, and with the support you need to make change happen.

I believe you must first take care of yourself in order to take care of others.

Having worked in corporate America for over 12 years, I understand the need for self-care and life balance.  I know the struggles of burnout, poor eating habits, and how lacking self-care can negatively impact your life. 

When I changed my habits, I changed my life. It really is that simple. Yet is isn’t that easy to do, or we wouldn’t need help. That’s why support is the most transformative tool you can have to make lasting changes.

Join me on this journey – to live a life of inspiration.  You are a unique, creative being, with a purpose and a path.  You deserve the life you dream of – I am here to guide you through your evolution to live your dharma.

Your Health is in an Investment in You

This group is an investment in yourself and your spiritual, physical, and mental wellbeing. 

It is a time and money investment. Are you ready to make an impactful and transformative life change? Are you ready to do the work to prioritize your self-care?

I can help you find success in this journey if you are ready.

In my old life I would spend at least $25 per week just at Starbucks, not to mention tons of money eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner out. 

Most of us can find the money to invest by changing our choices and re-prioritizing what is important to us. However, I realize it can be a scary commitment.  You aren’t only committing monetarily and time-wise, but you are committing to making changes that you may or may not be ready for. 

If you are ready, I am here to help you.

Investment is $5,555 or 10 monthly payments of $588


  • “This has been such a transformative experience. Over the years, I have read countless books and articles on dieting and living a healthier lifestyle. While many of these worked for awhile, they all lacked the key component of forming habits for a lifetime. Despite working hard and eating healthy foods, I never truly incorporated the approach around forming new habits. With Melinda’s coaching, I am forming habits that are improving my overall health and learning to live in ease. I am grateful for all I’ve learned and for Melinda’s kind and informative instruction. I am also grateful for the support of the women. This has been—and will continue to be—a very rewarding experience!”

    Monica D.

  • “Melinda is filled with knowledge on wellness and combines a very intuitive and empathetic approach to give personalized and realistic advice. Not only does she allow you to determine your own goals but pushes you to ensure they are achievable and gradual so that you can truly make life changes. Melinda’s approachability allowed me to be more vulnerable and leave feeling more at ease.”

    Erica L.

  • “Melinda shines….she is making such a positive, wonderful difference in the lives that she touches. I’m off to a kinda slow start but I’m also starting at a place of decades of unhealthy habits to deal with my anxiety and stress. What I love about Melinda is the encouragement, positivity, and celebrating even the smallest changes. She also pushes me to just do something small like go sit on my yoga mat with no pressure to do anything and that has turned into my morning routine of meditation, yoga stretches, and then get on the stationary bike or a walk. That small push with no pressure for perfection or going all in is what makes all the difference for my mindset. Melinda is for sure doing what her beautiful, kind soul was meant to do!”

    Kim J.