Because going it alone is difficult, and doesn’t usually stick. How many times have you tried to make changes on your own? If it was as easy as handing you the information, then you wouldn’t need a coach. Every diet you ever tried would have worked, right?

Coaching is about shifting your mindset. It is providing you the tools you need to make lasting, impactful changes. It is guiding you to become the person you know you truly are inside.

What is Spiritual Lifestyle and Health coaching? How can this help me?

It’s coaching with a spiritual approach to help you shift your mindset to one of self-care and Self-love, and prioritize your wellbeing. To transform your health, you must change your mindset and your habits – and this all starts with you.

Connecting to spirit is what will help you make true and lasting transformation. It isn’t just about giving you the information, it’s about helping you realize what an amazing, beautiful soul you are - you are worthy and enough exactly as you are.

Coaching will also give you the tools to create the habits that you need to feel more balanced in life - more nourished, vital, and energized.  The relationship you have with yourself is the most important one of your life. I can help guide you on this path of mind, body, and spiritual health - all following the ancient wisdom of yoga and Ayurveda.

What is Melinda’s Coaching Like?

My coaching style is spiritually based, and combines spiritual life coaching, holistic living, habit evolution, and Ayurvedic daily routines with simple actionable steps to help you feel deeply rested, more energized, and vibrant in your mind, body, and spirit. I am nurturing, supportive, and truly care about you making changes to better yourself.

Building a strong relationship with your Higher Self empowers you to create a life filled with vitality and inspiration.  I am here to lead you on this path of transformation.

One on One Spiritual Lifestyle and Health Coaching

  • Get Clear on Your Goals

    Not sure what type of coaching or support you need? Fill-out this online application to see if we are a good fit to work together.

    I’ll connect with you after for a short and fun call.

  • 4-Month Growth Package

    Dive into your wellness journey with this four-month coaching package.

    This package will help you build the habits you need to live the life you dream of, with additional accountability and support to help you on your journey.

    Receive a Comprehensive Wellness Plan, email and text support, and additional resources to help you on your journey.

    Investment $2,888

  • 6-Month VIP Coaching Package

    Truly dive into your wellness journey with this six month VIP coaching package.

    This package will help you build the habits you need to live the life you dream of, with additional accountability and support to help you on your journey.

    Receive a Comprehensive Wellness Plan, email and text support, and additional resources to help you on your journey.

    Investment $3,333


The Living Inspiration Tribe

Are you seeking transformation, accountability and lasting results? Do you want the support of like-minded women who have the habits you aspire to attain?

If so, it’s time to get LIT with The Living Inspiration Tribe for a transformative journey of total mind-body wellness.

I guide women seeking alternative and holistic healing to prioritize their well-being through self-care and Self-love. I believe that we must first take care of ourselves before we can take care of others.  Are you ready to put on your oxygen mask and start breathing again?

Change your habits and change your life – it really is that simple.  Feel better, and live a healthy life through habit evolution, mindset shift, and the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.

The Living Inspiration Tribe provides you with the support you need to truly experience transformation with a dynamic group of women.