Episode 5 - Ego, Identity, and Behavior Change

Dig deep into the layers that make up who you are, through exploration of the concept of ego vs. your true self, and how the ego gets wrapped up in identities attached to things, want, food, body image, and sickness. 

Learn techniques to help "train your barking dog" (aka the ego mind) through meditation and samadhhi - one pointed concentration.

Recognize your triggers, behaviors, and rewards in order to create a new desired behavior.


Yogic philosophies discussed - (Yamas and Niyamas) Santosha - contentment; Aparigraha - non-attachment


Marissa Peer "I am Enough"- https://youtu.be/lw3NyUMLh7Y

Website - https://melindavankirk.com

https://litlotus.me (coming soon)


Episode 6 - Fun and Joy for Wellbeing


Episode 4 - Your Daily Routine and Becoming in Sink with Nature's Rhythms